What is a Crypto Validator?

January 17, 2024

In the world of blockchain technology, the term “crypto validator” has emerged as a pivotal piece of infrastructure. A validator is an entity that participates in a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain network to help validate transactions and mint new blocks. Validators commit tokens to stake on the network in order to become eligible for rewards. They serve as guardians of the blockchain’s integrity, ensuring that all transactions are authentic and consistent with the network’s rules.

What is Proof-of-Stake?

PoS represents a fundamental shift in blockchain consensus mechanisms. Unlike its predecessor, Proof-of-Work (PoW), which relies on computational power to validate transactions and create new blocks, PoS secures network operations and transaction ordering through staked validators. 

This approach not only reduces the energy consumption of PoS networks drastically compared to PoW networks, but also democratizes the process of participating in the blockchain network. In PoS, validators are chosen based on their stake, along with other factors, making it energy-efficient and potentially more secure against certain types of attacks.

How Crypto Validators Work 

Crypto validators form the backbone of PoS blockchains, playing a vital role in ensuring the network’s security and integrity. They operate nodes to maintain a complete blockchain copy and actively participate in the consensus process. Their primary function includes monitoring and validating transactions to prevent fraudulent activities, such as double-spending. Validators are incentivized with token rewards for each block they validate, encouraging honest participation. Additionally, PoS systems enforce penalty mechanisms, like slashing, to hold validators accountable and deter malicious behavior. This intricate balance of responsibilities, rewards, and penalties underscores the validators’ critical role in the efficient and secure functioning of blockchain networks. 

Blockchain Protection

Validators play a crucial role in protecting the blockchain. They ensure the security and integrity of the network by verifying the authenticity of transactions and blocks. By doing so, validators prevent double-spending and other fraudulent activities, thus maintaining trust in the blockchain.

Running Nodes

Validators are required to run nodes — computers connected to the blockchain network. These nodes maintain a copy of the entire blockchain and participate in the consensus process. Running a node requires technical knowledge and resources, as a node needs to be operational and connected to the network almost continuously.

Transaction Monitoring 

A core function of validators is to monitor and validate transactions. They check each transaction against the blockchain’s history to ensure its legitimacy. This process involves verifying digital signatures and ensuring that the transaction complies with network rules.

Token Earning 

Validators are incentivized for their participation in the network. They earn tokens for every block of transactions they validate. This reward system not only compensates them for their resources and efforts but also encourages honest participation while maintaining the network’s integrity.

Validator Penalties

To ensure that validators act in the best interest of the network, PoS systems often include penalty mechanisms. Validators can lose a portion of their stake (slashing) if they act maliciously or fail to fulfill their responsibilities effectively. This system promotes accountability and deters harmful actions within the blockchain.

Firms like Figment mitigate these validator penalties and risks with robust Slashing Coverage.

Delegating vs Validating in Staking

For those looking to participate in a PoS blockchain, there are two main paths: delegating or validating. Delegating involves staking your cryptocurrency with a validator. It’s a way to earn rewards without the technical complexities of running a node. 

Validating, on the other hand, is for those who wish to be directly involved in the blockchain’s operation. It requires more technical expertise, resources to run a node, and a higher degree of responsibility.

What to Look For in Crypto Validators

The crypto landscape is evolving rapidly, and as PoS becomes a preferred blockchain consensus mechanism, understanding the role and qualities of crypto validators is crucial. Selecting the right validator is not just about optimizing rewards but also about ensuring the security and stability of the network. Here’s a guide to what you should look for in crypto validators.


The foremost consideration should be security. A reliable validator implements robust security measures to protect against hacking and other cyber threats. This includes not only digital safeguards but also physical security of the hardware and redundancy systems to ensure continuous operation. The more secure a validator, the safer your staked assets are.

Figment offers peace of mind to its customers by running some of the industrys most robust infrastructure, including a SOC 2 Type II and ISO 27001 certified environment, as well as holistic coverage to mitigate risks associated with slashing events.

Historical Performance & Reputation 

A validator’s track record is a telling indicator of their reliability and efficiency. Look into their historical performance, including the rate of successful block validations and uptime. A consistent history suggests stability and reliability. 

Technical Capabilities 

Effective validators possess strong technical capabilities. This includes advanced infrastructure, skilled personnel, and the ability to adapt to changes in blockchain technology. Validators should have a proven ability to maintain a high-performance node with minimal downtime, ensuring that they can effectively participate in the consensus process.

Volume of Staked Assets

The amount of crypto assets staked with a validator is a vote of confidence from the community. A higher volume of staked assets usually indicates trust in the validator’s capabilities. However, it’s important to balance this with the risk of centralization – too much concentration in a single validator can be detrimental to the network’s health.

Low Fees 

Validators charge fees for their services, which are deducted from the rewards earned. Lower fees can lead to higher net rewards for stakers. That being said, extremely low fees could indicate a lack of investment in security or infrastructure. It’s important to find a balance between reasonable fees and the quality of service provided.

Higher Reward

Lastly, the reward rate is an important consideration. While higher rewards are attractive, they should not be the sole criterion for selection. Balancing high rewards with security, performance, and technical robustness is crucial for long-term success.

Selecting the right crypto validator involves a careful assessment of various factors. It’s not just about the potential rewards, but also about the security and stability of your stake, and by extension, the health of the blockchain network itself. 


Crypto validators are key players in the PoS blockchain system. They validate transactions and maintain the network’s integrity. But not all validators are created equal. The choice of a validator should be guided by various critical factors that guarantee not only the safety of your stake but also the health and efficiency of the blockchain network.

Staking-as-a-Service (StaaS) represents a category of business where institutions or users stake by delegating infrastructure operations to a third-party provider.

StaaS allows users to stake tokens without managing their own infrastructure. By leveraging specialized providers like Figment, users can participate in staking without needing to develop technical expertise.

Figment’s StaaS offers features like easy integrations, portfolio rewards tracking, an audited infrastructure, and slashing protection for a smooth staking experience. This enables users to earn staking rewards without sacrificing security or control.

Learn more about StaaS here. 

Using the Best Crypto Validator

Crypto validators and StaaS allow cryptocurrency holders to earn staking rewards without needing to become staking experts or take on operational burdens. By leveraging a trusted provider like Figment, institutions and users alike can access enterprise-grade staking infrastructure to optimize rewards on tokens like ETH, SOL, MATIC, and more.

Staking with Figment offers many benefits:

  • Non-custodial staking maintains user control
  • Robust security and infrastructure uptime
  • Portfolio-level rewards tracking and reporting
  • Proactive slashing protections to mitigate losses
  • Seamless API integrations with core systems
  • Dedicated support and staking expertise

The combination of technology, infrastructure, and our team of experts makes Figment the ideal staking partner.

To learn more about how Figment’s StaaS can benefit yourself or your organization, meet with us. Figment’s staking experts are ready to answer any questions and explain how our solutions can help you optimize staking rewards on your digital assets.

The information herein is being provided to you for general informational purposes only. It is not intended to be, nor should it be relied upon as, legal, business, tax or investment advice. Figment undertakes no obligation to update the information herein. 


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