Crypto Valley Conference 2024: Figment Insights and Highlights

June 12, 2024

The Figment team recently returned from the Crypto Valley Conference in Rotkreuz, Switzerland. This event gathered the brightest minds in blockchain technology and innovation. As a leading institutional-focused staking provider, we were excited to engage in high-level discussions, share our expertise, and bring back key insights that will shape the future of our industry. Dive into our highlights and takeaways from this great event to discover what we learned in blockchain and staking.

Future Trends: Bitcoin’s Resurgence

Bitcoin was a significant topic this year, with panels discussing its resurgence and the exciting developments in Layer 2 projects such as Stacks and Babylon. These innovations are enhancing Bitcoin’s scalability and functionality, allowing for smart contracts and faster transactions while leveraging the security of the Bitcoin network. The growing interest and innovation in this area were very interesting to see, signaling a renewed focus on Bitcoin’s potential beyond its original scope. 

Addressing Staking Concerns Liquidity Concerns & Slashing Risks

When speaking to attendees, the Figment team encountered two major concerns regarding staking: liquidity and slashing risks. It was important to educate institutions on how different tokens have varying bonding and unbonding times, helping attendees to understand how to better manage their staked assets. The team also explained how Figment minimizes slashing risks by using robust infrastructure, implementing stringent security measures, and prioritizing safety over liveness. This comprehensive approach reassured participants about the viability and security of staking with Figment.

Figment Team Highlights

One of the standout moments of the conference was Figment’s Head of Sales Engineering, Artiona Bogo who gave an expert staking masterclass. She captivated the audience with a live demonstration of the Figment staking platform showcasing its robust capabilities and intuitive interface. By walking through the app’s features in real-time, Artiona illustrated the seamless staking processes that Figment offers, emphasizing how easily users can stake their assets.

Our Head of EMEA, Eva, spoke on multiple panels, providing valuable insights into the complexities of staking, and the importance of infrastructure companies that underpin much of the cryptocurrency industry. The panels, which included industry leaders from Talos, FalconX, and BitGo underscored the importance of partnerships in driving progress both within and outside the region. 

Eva eloquently captured the essence of these relationships with her remark, “For a great partnership, you don’t have to agree on everything – but you do have to be aligned on the core values of both companies.” This quote resonated with many at the conference, highlighting how shared principles and collaborative efforts are essential for fostering innovation and achieving long-term success in the blockchain space.

Reflections and Key Takeaways

There was a notable sense of positivity in the region. Local banks, including AMINA, PostFinance, and Sygnum, had a strong presence and actively engaged in discussions about Bitcoin, highlighting their active involvement in the crypto space. 

Our time at the Crypto Valley Conference was both productive and insightful. The exchange of ideas and the collective drive to push the boundaries of blockchain technology gave everyone a real buzz. The conference concluded with a memorable boat party on Lake Zug, starting with clear skies and ending with an exciting lightning storm. Reminding us that there is never a dull moment in this industry. Here’s to more great conversions, successful partnerships and exciting times ahead. If you want to learn more about Figment please reach out to the team here.


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