The Graph: Cosmos Hub Integration

June 3, 2022


In November 2021, Figment announced the integration of The Graph with the Cosmos Hub blockchain. The beta integration of Cosmos Hub is now complete, enabling indexing of Cosmos ecosystem data using The Graph’s hosted service. It will also contribute to a multi-chain future by facilitating interoperability between The Graph and different Cosmos chains. As core developers on The Graph, we are thrilled to help bring this integration to life.

The Graph has emerged as a critical protocol in the web3 stack by providing decentralized indexing and querying solutions for blockchain data. Dapp developers building on Cosmos Hub will be able to query on-chain data using Subgraphs due to this integration! Subgraphs are open-source APIs, and support on The Graph’s hosted service makes it significantly easier for developers to build on Cosmos Hub, thanks to easy access to Cosmos Hub’s data. By making data access more reliable, Cosmos developers can more readily innovate and create apps with excellent user experiences.

This integration highlights Figment’s dedication to expanding The Graph ecosystem as a core developer. Welcoming Cosmos Hub into the ecosystem is the latest move in the mission to accelerate the integrations made possible with The Graph, while preserving a blockchain agnostic approach that could eventually support the many chains in the Cosmos ecosystem. This will pave the way for faster integration of other chains based on Ignite.

What does the integration of The Graph’s hosted service with Cosmos Hub mean?

Figment and The Graph community have a shared belief that the future of Web3 is multi-chain. Bringing The Graph to Cosmos helps IBC-enabled networks to be indexed and queried in a decentralized manner, allowing developers access to blockchain data without having to manage their own infrastructure. Now developers can easily access Cosmos data via The Graph, by building their own subgraphs (open APIs) in which they manifest the type of data they’d like to be indexed and queried.

Applications that want to use The Graph to index Cosmos Hub

Integrating The Graph’s hosted service with the Cosmos hub will allow applications like Messari to be able to start using The Graph to index Cosmos Hub. This integration unlocks new functionality across many protocols within the Cosmos ecosystem, allowing applications to take advantage of this wherever possible.

“The Graph provides us with a scalable solution for querying and ingesting on-chain data. Using The Graph, we can develop new tools to analyze protocols in detail with a neutral foundation and greater flexibility. Figment’s integration of The Graph with the Cosmos hub means that we can support protocols across the Cosmos ecosystem to the same standard as EVM-based protocols.” – Ken Yip, Messari Principal Product Manager

Quote from The Graph

“As a big believer in the cosmos ecosystem, one of the most organic ecosystems within the crypto space, The Graph + Cosmos integration is an exciting milestone. Now that Figment has completed The Graph integration with Cosmos Hub, I am excited to see more subgraph development across the cosmos ecosystem. The Graph and Cosmos share a similar ethos when it comes to the multichain future. With this integration I am excited to see that future further come to life. This is the first step in supporting the dozens of blockchains within the Cosmos ecosystem” – Tegan Kline, Co-Founder of Edge & Node, working on The Graph

Quote from Cosmos Hub

“We’re excited to see the applications built on top of the Graph + Figment’s decentralized API service, giving more insight into Cosmos Hub applications. Interfaces for group module-based DAOs, analytics for IBC relayers, dashboards for validators leveling up to Interchain Security—expanding access to on-chain data will open up a lot of possibilities.” – Sam Hart, Strategy Lead for Cosmos Hub at Interchain GmbH

Quote from Figment

“We are going towards a future where The Graph is a key infrastructure in the Cosmos ecosystem. Cosmos Hub’s integration is just the beginning. Same way developers in Cosmos could leverage Tendermint & Cosmos SDK to build their decentralized applications, IBC to access the Cosmos interoperability, they will now be able to leverage The Graph to query blockchain data. The Graph indexing in Cosmos will close the loop of everything that devs need to build their dapps the easiest way possible.” – Joseph Al-Chami, Product Manager

About The Graph

The Graph is the indexing and query layer of web3. Developers build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. The Graph currently supports indexing data from 32 different networks including Ethereum, NEAR, Arbitrum, Optimism, Polygon, Avalanche, Celo, Fantom, Moonbeam, IPFS, and PoA with more networks coming soon. To date, over 38,000+ subgraphs have been deployed on the hosted service and now subgraphs can be deployed directly on the network. Over 28,000 developers have built subgraphs for applications such as Uniswap, Synthetix, KnownOrigin, Art Blocks, Gnosis, Balancer, Livepeer, DAOstack, Audius, Decentraland, and many others.

The Graph Network’s self service experience for developers launched in July 2021; since then over 232 subgraphs have migrated to the Network, with over 161+ Indexers serving subgraph queries, 8,600+ delegators, and 2,300+ curators to date. More than 3 million GRT has been signaled to date with an average of 15K GRT per subgraph.

If you are a developer building an application or Web3 application, you can use subgraphs for indexing and querying data from blockchains. The Graph allows applications to efficiently and performantly present data in a UI and allows other developers to use your subgraph too! You can deploy a subgraph to the network using the newly launched Subgraph Studio or query existing subgraphs that are in the Graph Explorer. The Graph would love to welcome you to be Indexers, Curators and/or Delegators on The Graph’s mainnet. Join The Graph community by introducing yourself in The Graph Discord for technical discussions, join The Graph’s Telegram chat, or follow The Graph on Twitter! The Graph’s developers and members of the community are always eager to chat with you, and The Graph ecosystem has a growing community of developers who support each other.

The Graph Foundation oversees The Graph Network. The Graph Foundation is overseen by the Technical Council. Edge & Node, StreamingFast and now Figment are three of the many organizations within The Graph ecosystem.

About Cosmos Hub

The Cosmos Hub is the center of the Cosmos SDK ecosystem, an ecosystem with tools that make it easy to build a new, custom-designed blockchains are interoperable with others in the Cosmos network.

The Cosmos Hub has broken the silos of blockchain economies by enabling assets and data to be transferred between blockchains. New Cosmos-based blockchains can be securely connected with other blockchains, increasing the rate of adoption and liquidity.

The Cosmos ecosystem as a whole is a growing community of interconnected apps and services designed for a decentralized future.

About Figment

Figment has leveraged 30+ years of real-world experience operating critical internet infrastructure to build an advanced blockchain infrastructure. We are trusted by more than 150+ institutions, including venture capital firms, asset managers, protocol foundations, family offices, and large-scale cryptocurrency platforms. Our success is measured by generating stable returns on digital assets and by fueling innovation and growth across the Proof of Stake ecosystem. This includes being actively involved in the governance and community of the protocols we support and the longevity of Web 3.


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