This Month at Figment: Supporting BabylonChain With Testnet, A Deep Dive 🏊 into Rewards & More

July 2, 2024

Figment is Supporting BabylonChain – Now Live on Testnet

Figment is now live on the BabylonChain testnet, allowing BTC stakers to directly stake to Figment’s Babylon finality provider. Once the mainnet launches, Bitcoin staking will be available directly through your Figment account.


The Three Types of Rewards & Fees on Solana You Can Expect

We take an in-depth look at the types of rewards stakers can expect to receive, including inflationary rewards, MEV rewards, and block rewards. Additionally, we explore the associated fees for each type of reward.


Risk-Adjusted Rewards & Why They Are So Important for ETH Stakers

“Risk-Adjusted Rewards” is frequently discussed in the context of ETH staking. Instead of viewing rewards in isolation, we explore its meaning for users staking their ETH and its broader significance in the industry.


Ethereum vs Polkadot: A Breakdown

Ethereum came first, but is Polkadot’s innovative parachain architecture the key to superior scalability? Or does Ethereum’s robustness, security, and extensive development ecosystem make it the better choice? Our definitive guide explores the strengths and weaknesses of both networks. Discover which platform aligns with your goals by reading our latest deep dive on the subject.


New Network News

👀Symbiotic First Look: A Deep Dive Into Permissionless Restaking

EigenLayer’s Native ETH Restaking Guide For Ledger Enterprise Users

🔥ICYMI How To Select An EigenLayer Operator

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If you will be attending any of these events, feel free to reach out to learn more about Figment’s involvement. We would love to meet!





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